You probably noticed, but 2020 wasn\’t the best of years. As someone who works predominantly from home, my working life was (technically) changed relatively little, but of course there were…
No More VAT on Ebooks
From today, VAT is not chargeable on ebooks and emagazines. What does this mean? Strap yourself in, this is a longish post. HOW DID/DOES VAT AFFECT EBOOK PRICES? For my…
2009 – 2019 – a very mini review
A lot has happened in the last decade or so. WORK Publishing In January of 2009 I embarked upon a new career in publishing, having previously worked in internal communications…
Warner Marriott, Woodland Hills, California
I\’m currently in L.A. for the Nebula Weekend. It\’s my first time in L.A. I say \”L.A.\”, but it\’s more L.A.-adjacent. Downtown L.A. is an hour and a half by…
WorldCon 2018 – San Jose, California
I enjoy WorldCon every year, wherever it is held. It’s one of the most important conventions in my diary. Not only do I get to see and support a lot…
Free of Charge
OR: WHY I BOUGHT A NISSAN LEAF WHEN I ALREADY HAVE A RENAULT ZOE I just bought a new car. That\’s it in the photo, below. I\’m standing by…
Hugos 2018
So, it appears I’ve been nominated for a Hugo Award, again. For those who don’t know about the Hugos, they’re the biggest Science Fiction/Fantasy (mostly science fiction) awards given out…
WorldCon 2017 – days 2 & 3
Day 2 A quiet(ish) morning, but I did get a chance to check out the room in which we would be playing I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue in the evening, in…
Helsinki, Day 1
Helsinki, so far, has proven to be a dream. The amusement park was fun, the zoo funner, and I’m just about fine with making my way around the bus and…
A Tale of Homelessness
It’s so easy to ignore the suffering that goes on all around us. Among the easiest of these to ignore is the homeless. I do it. We all do it….